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Kết quả 31-40 của 297.
Kết quả tìm trong tài liệu:
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2011The role of the UNESCO designated sites in fostering sustainable tourism in South-East EuropeGiorgio Andrian; Aleksandra Stanojlović
2011Proposal on the criteria for classification the agro-guesthouses as eco-guesthousesNicula Virgil; Spanu Simona; Ciortea Gligor
2011Scientific ecotourism in the São Paulo state, southernmost coastal plain, BrazilJosé Ricardo de Almeida, ...
2011Study regarding the determination of the agro tourism resources in Cozia National Park and the impact of this activity development on the contiguous rural space.Aurel CALINA; enica CALINA
2011Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve as opportunity for development of ecological tourism.Igor Jurinčič; Gregor Balažič; Ljudmila Sinkovič
2011The trilateral relationship ecotourism - sustainable tourism - slow travel among nature in the line with authentic tourism loversPuiu NISTOREANU
2011A GIS-based proposal for evaluating the potential of the territory for ecotourism and adventure tourism activities. An application to Sierra de Las Nieves (Málaga, Spain).Alfonso Cerezo Medina 
2011Studies concerning possibility account regarding the rural tourism and the equestrian tourism development in Romania.Petrică ŞTEFAN; Matei-Agathon DAN; Dragoş RĂDUCAN
2011Vai trò của các nhân tố kinh tế - xã hội đối với sự chuyển dịch cơ cấu kinh tế nông nghiệp thành phố Hải PhòngVũ Thị Kim, Cúc
2011Ecotourism - a model of sustainable development of tourism meansD. Sâmbotin, ...