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Showing results 12155 to 12174 of 41531 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007J2EE Tutorial [Giáo trình lập trình Java]S. Bodoff
1999Java 2 certification training guide [electronic resource]Jamie Jaworski
2002Java 2 Micro Edition - Java in Small ThingsJAMES WHITE; DAVID HEMPHILL
2000Java and XML-
2003java Database best practiceGeoge Reese
2009Java ME on Symbian OS : inside the smartphone modelRoy Ben Hayun
2002Java network programming and distributed computingDavis Reilly; Michael Railly
2000Java Programming Fundamentals-
2002Java swingBrian Cole, ...
2001Java thread programmingPaul Hyde
2002Java tools for eXtreme programming : mastering open source tools including Ant, JUnit, and CactusRichard Hightower; Nicholas Lesiecki
2001JavaScript Programmer's ReferenceCliff Wootton
2017Jet Physics at the LHC: The Strong Force beyond the TeV ScaleRabbertz, Klaus
2008Joe Celko’s thinking in sets : auxiliary, temporal, and virtual tables in SQLJoe Celko
2010John Walkenbach's favorite Excel 2010 tips & tricksJohn Walkenbach
2002Jossey-Bass academic administrator’s guide to budgets and financial managementMargaret J. Barr
2008Journeys of discovery in volunteer tourism: international case study perspectivesKevin D. Lyons; Stephen Wearing
2007Judo căn bản [Kỹ thuật Judo]Thuần, Ngọc Yến
2000Just-in-time education: tools for hospitality managers of the future?Wonae Cho; Claire D. Schmelzer
2000Just-in-time education: tools for hospitality managers of the future?Wonae Cho; Claire D. Schmelzer