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Nhan đề: Application of Dohsa-hou Therapy to Develop Social Interaction Skills in Autistic Vietnamese Children
Tác giả: Lê, Mỹ Dung
Nguyễn, Thị Hằng Phương
Nguyễn, Thị Trâm Anh
Lê, Thị Phương Loan
Từ khoá: Dohsa-hou Therapy
Social Interaction Skills
Vietnamese Children
Năm xuất bản: 2022
Nhà xuất bản: Studies on Ethno-Medicine
Tóm tắt: Children with developmental problems such as autism, Asperger’s syndrome, Rett syndrome, language, cognition, and behaviour issues are referred to as “developmental diseases”. To support and educate children with developmental disorders and autism, a variety of methods are available, including ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis), RDI (Relationship Development Intervention), TEACCH (Division for the Treatment and Education of Autistic and Children with Communication Handicaps), and PECS (Patient-Centred Early Childhood Services). When it comes to supporting youngsters in Da Nang, Vietnam, the researchers have chosen Dohsa-hou therapy (Japan), which has shown promising outcomes. In addition to assisting children in being safe and courteous, the Dohsa-hou approach also assists both children and teachers (Dohsa-hou practitioners) feel genuinely calm. Case study, observation, and assessment by a group of three special exercises before and after Dohsa-hou therapy were used to demonstrate that this is an effective way for assisting children with developmental difficulties in Vietnam
Mô tả: Studies on Ethno-Medicine, Volume 16, number 1, 2. Bài báo thuộc danh mục Scopus.
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